Do you have a child who struggles with…

Infant Feeding

  • Difficulty latching or staying latched

  • Painful latch for mother

  • Long feeding time and/or fatigue while feeding

  • Gassiness/colic

  • Clicking while breast and/or bottle feeding

  • Slow weight gain

  • Open mouth and/or snoring, sleep difficulties

  • Tongue and/or lip ties

Pediatric Feeding

  • Picky eating (with particular avoidance of meats, vegetables, and/or pureed foods)

  • Messy eating

  • Gagging/choking on foods and/or liquids

  • Pocketing of food in cheeks

  • Overstuffing mouth with food

  • Eating too quickly without chewing enough

  • Swallowing foods whole

  • Taking a long time to finish meals

  • Tongue thrust swallowing

  • Tongue and/or lip ties

  • Associated symptoms such as: open mouth position, snoring, sleeping difficulties, toe walking, clumsiness

Speech, Language, and Stuttering

  • Delayed development of speech sounds, or replacing some sounds with others (such as saying “cookie” as “tootie”)

  • Difficulty being understood by friends and family members

  • Speaking with a lisp

  • Delayed development of language skills, including small word inventory, difficulty with grammar forms, struggling to understand why and how to use language to interact with others

  • Stuttering (particularly past 5 years of age)

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For those who are 16 years or older, struggling to speak clearly and easily due to a stutter can be treated using the Modified Phonation Intervals-2 (MPI-2) fluency program. The goal of this program is to completely eliminate a stutter from speech and gain easy, fluent speech.

Discover how Sparrow Speech Studio can partner with you to strengthen your child’s feeding or communication skills, whether that includes stronger and more coordinated oral muscles, eliminated or reduced oral and facial tension, being more adventurous with a variety of foods, being clearly understood by family and friends, or being able to easily communicate thoughts, needs, and feelings, we can work together to create the best plan of care for your child.

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